Gaining Ground’s 2019 Staff

We are delighted to have so many familiar faces on the crew again in 2019: Doug Wolcik, Hannah Lawson, Jared Kimler, Kim Schmidt, and Grace Shields are all returning. Kate Hudec, a former volunteer, is a welcome new addition. In the office, Amy Capofreddi, Fan Watkinson, and Allison Goodwin continue to juggle the behind-the-scenes logistics in coordination with the Board.

Amy Capofreddi, executive director

“With the 2019 season right around the corner, the sense of excitement continues to grow as we look forward to welcoming everyone back to farm.”

In her second year as executive director, Amy brings a strong background in nonprofit management. Her previous roles include associate director of development at Two Ten Footwear Foundation and director of the annual fund and leadership development at the Nashoba Brooks School of Concord. She also served as co-president of the Board of Directors at the Concord Carlisle Community Chest.

Allison Goodwin, admin. assistant

“It’s an honor to work alongside wonderful colleagues in the Gaining Ground office and occasionally to join our talented farmers and volunteers out in the fields. I am excited for another season of growth and giving!”

Allison’s role is critical to all that happens here at the farm. She worked previously at Chelsea Green Publishing in Vermont, has worked on several organic farms in the US and abroad, and holds a degree in environmental studies.

Kate Hudec, assistant grower

“I’m eager to work at Gaining Ground because of its no-till practice, plus the great people and mission.”

Kate loves working with living things. She comes to the farm crew via the New England Aquarium, by way of Powisset Farm in Dover. She has professional experience caring for fish, invertebrates, reptiles, birds, and, yes, plants!

Jared Kimler, assistant grower

“I look forward to the depth of knowledge that another season brings.”

This is Jared’s second season here. In his free time, Jared likes to play music and sing songs about the herbs and critters of the garden. Soil life and beneficial fungi interest him, as well as fostering a healthy environment for these crucial organisms in our beds.

Hannah Lawson, assistant farm manager & volunteer coordinator

“I am honored to be returning for another year; for both the people and the land in which we farm. I am eagerly anticipating the chance to learn about how we can continue to protect and care for the land, and how we can continue to push ourselves to grow food in the most sustainable manner.”

Hannah is a steady, deeply grounded farmer with a love of produce and flowers—and a real gift for scheduling our 2,500 annual volunteers.

Kim Schmidt, assistant grower

“I’m pumped to be back again, honing skills learned last year and continuing relationships formed with volunteers, staff, and this land.”A native of Kansas and Missouri, Kim is also excited to continue exploring the oceanside of this part of the country, camping, and finding creative outlets throughout the year.”

Grace Shields, assistant grower

“This is such a special place, and I feel so lucky to be a part of it. When I’m at the farm, I know that whatever I do, even the smallest task, has an impact that reaches so many in our community.”

Grace has been volunteering since 2017 and is excited to come back for a second season as full-time farm crew.

Fan Watkinson, program manager

“Each season is an evolving patchwork of vibrant plants and people, where giving and receiving, learning and growing, working and playing are all intertwined. Such joy and wonder.”

An active member of the local agricultural community, Fan has overseen Gaining Ground’s outreach, recipient, and volunteer programs since 2014.

Doug Wolcik, farm manager

“Each spring you have a brand new canvas to paint that picture you’ve been thinking about all winter. You put those pieces together throughout the spring, summer, and fall. As it all comes together, it’s truly an amazing thing.”

Doug has been growing our no-till regenerative farming program since 2013. This year, Doug will lead workshops at the Northeast Organic Farmers Association (NOFA) conference, host a farm tour for the Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training (CRAFT), and launch a three-year research project on no-till farming practices in conjunction with NOFA and the USDA.