Beautiful Bouquets and Amazing Vegetables—Food for Families

On a mild late summer day, Gaining Ground staff, board members and volunteers gathered at the volunteer pavilion, packing 120 bags of seasonal produce for Food for Families.
Gaining Ground’s produce is typically distributed by 16 hunger relief partner organizations throughout eastern Massachusetts, including food pantries, shelters, schools, soup kitchens, and emergency meal programs. However, Food for Families is our direct-to-client produce distribution, meaning we get to meet and build relationships with the guests from our local Concord and Carlisle communities who participate in the program. After the produce bags are packed, they are distributed to clients for free at their homes and pickup locations at Gaining Ground Farm, and the Concord Housing Authority.
“The recent find of a delicata squash in my Saturday bundle from Gaining Ground was an outstanding ‘wicked’ amazing vegetable. I looked it up and found that it is apparently officially a fruit. I still tend to think of it as a veggie. I love the fresh fruits and vegetables that you give us and the flowers too as they always put a smile on my face. I do very much like that you take the time each week to email the names of the vegetables and fruits in our bags,” a Food for Families client told our director of operations recently.
Clients receive a CSA-style bag of seasonal vegetables for 16 consecutive weeks beginning in mid-June and running through late September, as well as an array of tasty storage vegetables and hardy winter greens just in time for Thanksgiving. Each week they also receive flower bouquets assembled by National Charity League volunteer teams of mothers and daughters. A list of the weekly produce that will be included along with suggested recipes is also emailed to clients each week.
In 2023, the program provided 11,397 pounds of produce to 123 households. In 2024, we have provided 8,213 pounds to date — with two distributions left in the season — to 117 households. Each year, Food for Families clients receive 7-10% of Gaining Ground’s annual production volume by weight.
“My husband and I both thank you for the dedication and love that is invested in planting, growing, nurturing, harvesting and distributing fresh produce each week. We are so grateful and thank you all for your gift of healthy vegetables. It is reassuring to know the farmers and staff at Gaining Ground truly care,” another Food for Families client recently said.
Gaining Ground works with the Councils on Aging in the towns of Concord and Carlisle, as well as the Concord Community Services Coordinator to assemble a list of about 120 households each season who qualify for the program. Most are repeat guests from year to year, and about 70% of participating clients are senior citizens living on fixed incomes.
“Thank you so very much for the fresh farm produce that you have been sharing with me. I appreciate it very much…Thank you for being there for me in times of need and for your support,” another Food for Families client recently said.