Local Farms and Resilience: The No-Till Experiment

Eric Toensmeier, of Project Drawdown, writes, “We can’t mitigate climate change without agriculture, so we have to find ways for agriculture to be part of the solution, instead of part of the problem.” How can local farms play a role in the solution? Two area farms—Gaining Ground in Concord and The Good Food Farm in Ashby—have embarked on an experiment in “no-till agriculture,” designed to build healthier soil with better water and carbon retention. As climate change challenges farmers with extremes of weather, can the “no-till” model offer more resilience for our crops, our soil, and our food system? What are the pros and cons of this approach? Please join us for this exciting conversation taking place on Weds., February 1, at 7:00 p.m.

Register HERE. This is a zoom event.

This talk is part one of two events. This event looks at challenges to contemporary agriculture and how farmers are experimenting with new approaches.  Ben Howell of the The Good Food Farm in Ashby will give a brief overview of the current issues facing large scale agriculture, from serious soil depletion, water availability, and  pollution from fertilizers. Then Anna Kelchlin, from Gaining Ground, will share that farm’s commitment to meeting food insecurity in Massachusetts while also prioritizing healthy soil, healthy crops, and healthy pollinators through no-till planting. Finally, Andrew Johnson, Farm Manager at the Good Food Farm, will tell the story of that small farm’s attempt to implement the “no-till” approach on a commercial level. All three speakers see land and community intertwined, where regenerative agriculture is also a way to connect people with the land and each other.

Part two of these events is designed to build community! And to celebrate the plant-based meals highlighted in one EnergizeActon.org action. Watch for a dinner invitation coming in late February or early March! We are hoping to have a meal or potluck together to celebrate local farms, perhaps in a nearby greenhouse or semi-open space. Details coming soon.

This event is co-sponsored by the Good Food FarmEnergizeActon.org, and Gaining Ground.
