Thank You to All of Our Supporters

The farm with crops growing in the foreground and the cat tunnels and barn in the background.

The board and staff would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those who gave generously and shared their time and talents with Gaining Ground last season. Special thanks go to:

Belmont Day School, Thoreau Elementary School, Tenacre Country Day School, and all of the individual students who participated in our 2020 virtual Read for Seeds campaign, raising more than $5,000 toward our annual seed budget.

David Outerbridge, Joe Rigali, and Whit Painter for maintenance of the buildings and land.

Jennifer Saxe, Joanna LaPlaca, and the Concord and Wellesley chapters of the National Charity League, for coordinating volunteers to help with our produce deliveries, flower arranging, and produce bagging in 2020.

Noah Solomon and Whole Foods Bedford for donating 3,600 paper bags and other packaging supplies for our 2020 produce distributions. 

Marianne Nelson and the Concord Housing Authority for hosting our Food for Families produce distribution at Everett Gardens. 

Bonny Wilbur, Lauren Barretta, and Angela Smith for their partnership and assistance with the Food for Families program.

Brendan Matthews and the Barn Raisers of East Haddam, Connecticut, for constructing and raising our new volunteer pavilion, and Dan Gainsboro for his extensive help with the design and permitting process.

David Salomón Saléh for his careful tending of the farm’s bee colonies and honey.

Denali Delmar and Benjamin Cacace for donating firewood to fuel our maple sugaring program.

Martha Hamilton and the Watertown Food Pantry for donating banana boxes for our produce distribution.

Tara Johnson, Paige Reidy and Wilbur Moffitt for their help with green bean harvests.

Gregg Lanciani and Concord Lumber for donating materials for our April 2021 poetry installation on the farm.

Numerous community members who volunteered their time and vehicles to transport boxes of produce to our hunger relief partners during the pandemic. In particular: Jennifer Lin, Allison Aley, Shilpi Desai, Sarah Gates and Chris Feist, Mary Anne and Anna Jasinski, Leslie DiCola, Peter Watson, Amanda Nash, Susan Chormann and Richard Fishman, Joe Bailey, Shirley and Dennis Smith, Clio Gates, Kathleen Reidy, Ginny Churchill, Pamela Beckett, Eunice Groark, Hans Heilman, Polly Vanasse, and Pam Goar.

We are deeply grateful to the following individuals and organizations who generously contributed financial support to Gaining Ground during the past year. Our sincerest thanks!

2020 Individual Supporters:

Anonymous (4)

Jeff and Andrea Adams

Judith Adams

Burt Adelman and Lydia Rogers

Karen Ahearn

Abrar Ahmad

Joanna Alexander

Allison and Tom Aley

Holly Ameden

Ehry Jane Anderson

Kenneth Anderson and Lynda Anderson

Lois Anderson

Ray Andrews

Kathy Angell and Dutch Leonard

Michael Ansara and Barney Arnold

Jill Appel and Marc Silver

Dylan Armajani and Stephanie Sguigna

Carrie Armsby

Steve Atlas and Robin Wilkerson

Penny and Christopher Austen

Louise Axon

Ann and Tom Bailey

Robert Brack and Janet Bailey

Nayiri Baljian and James Bell

Patience Banister

William and Susanna Barton

Vickie Batka

Ted Bayne and Lea Delacour

John and Molly Beard

Susanna E. Bedell

Rob Beede

Brad Bennett and Barbara Schwartz

Ray and Janet Benvenuti

Jack Bergstein

Lisa Berland

Adrianna Bertucci

Walter W. Birge III and Susan Birge

Enid Boasberg

Morene Bodner and David Carlisle

Tomas Bok

Colette Bouloumie

Marilyn and John Brady

Heinke and Samuel Brendler

Gail Breslow

Richard and Margaret Briggs, Jr.

Kathie Brobeck

Andrew Brockway

Bonnie Brooks

Dianne and Bob Brooks

Hillary S. Brown

Elise Browne

Sarah and Thomas Brukilacchio

Patty Bruttomesso

Malcolm and Beverley Bryant

Bryn Buck

Kim and Dennis Burns

Jeremy Butler

John and Jane Butler

Catherine Cagle

Jeanine Calabria

Caroline Calhoun

Peter and Pam Callahan

John and Debra Canally

Amy Capman and Mian Bashir

Matthew and Amy Capofreddi

Peter and Janice Capofreddi

Casey Carlson and William Stone

Eugenia Carris and John Livingston

Karin Chamberlain

Lai Chan and Warren Moberly

Sudeep and Vijaya Chandra

Leslie Charm and Karen Belinky

Meredith Chicklis

Elizabeth Chisholm

Nicholas and Erika Christakis

Gerald Cianciolo and Kathleen Brennan

Deborah and Hilary Clark

Gloria and Chuck Clough

Anne Cochran

Ben Cohen

Mark and Theresa Cohen

Russ Cohen

Deb Colgan

Christa and Jeffrey Collins

Donald and Carol Collins

George and Ann Colony

Robert Comer and Inge Knudson

Kristin and George Conant

Alston Conley

John Conley and Elizabeth Awalt

Craig Cook

Joe and Lori Cooney

Matthew Corley

Lisa Corrin

Christina Cosman

Felice and Leland Cott

Robert Coughlin

Holly and John Cratsley

Judy Cromwell

Dean and Deborah Croucher

James Curran and Yolanda Rigali

Laurie Curran

Michael and Aiyana Currie

Jennifer Cutie

Denise Daigle

Heather Daley

Patricia Daley

Laura and Jim Davidian

M.E. Davis, Jr. and Jacqueline Davis

Raphael De Lima

Paula DeAngelis

Daniel and Julia Del Sobral

Hilary Detmold

Chip and Debbie Dewing

Elaine DiCicco

Dan and Sharon Dillon

Cathy Dittemore

Rhonda Donaghue

Pennie and Dick Driscoll

Murray and Goldie Dropkin

Darcy Duke and Ryan Evans

Chuck and Donna Dutton

Alexander and Jean Easterday

Sally Edwards and Sally Thompson

Elisabeth Elden

Julie and Jonathan Elmhurst

David Ely

Luise Erdmann

Tom and Vicki Evarts

Richard Fahlander and Kathy Allen

Ravi Faiia

Kelly and John Fantegrossi

Charles and Katherine Feininger

Frank Feist and Sarah Gates

Lauri Fennell

Nick Ferbert

John and Joan Ferguson

Lisa Ferolito

Matthew and Judith Fichtenbaum

Marjie Findlay and Geoff Freeman

Kenneth and Shukti Fischl

Stona and Ann Fitch

Timothy Fitzsimons

Barbara Flight

Burton and Jennifer Flint

Carrie Flood

Bob and Sheila Flory

Judith Laurie Foster and Edward Goggin

Piper Fowler Sheer

Debra Ellen Fox

Gerry Frank

Laurence and Helen Frey

Christopher and Melissa Frost

Dr. Nina Frusztajer

Catherine Fuller

Catherine Fullerton

Mary and Gleason Gallagher

Sophia Garmey

Mark and Ellie Garvey

Chris Gates

Gordon Gates

Jennifer and John Gates

Kristine Geils and William Knuff

Curtis and Natalie Gekle

Robert Gewecke

Cyrus and Joanne Gibson

Janet Gibson

Karen Gibson

Pete and Cathi Gilmore

Christopher Gittins

Meredith Glassman and Mark Mattaliano

Laurie and Terry Gleason

Pam and Dudley Goar

David Godolphin and Jill Sandeen

Rebecca Godwin

Susan Goehring

Brian Goldberg

Neil and Andrea Goldberg

Scott Goldberg

Andrew and Pat Goldstein

Rachel and Murray Goldstone

Allison and Eliot Goodwin

Betsy and Bart Goodwin

Shuba Gopal and Sridhar Sadasivan

Doug and Carolyn Gouchoe

Virginia and Brian Gourlie

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Grace

John Graham and Kerry Munro

Susan and Paul Graseck

Kerin Deedy Green and Charles Green

Matthew and Shelley Growney

Priscilla and Patrick Guiney

Angela Gusso

Terry and Judy Hadley

Elizabeth and Henry Haff

Susan Halby

Charleen Hamilton

Kathleen and Charles Hamilton

Martha Hamilton

Muha Hamza

Vaughn and Heidi Harring

Janet and William Harrington

Romola Harrington

Georgianna and Andrew Harris

Jennifer and Chris Hart

Liz Harvey

Emily Haslett

Thomas and Emily Haslett

James Hawks III and Shelley Hawks

Anne Hayden and Ivan Burns

John and Barbara Hebert

Mary Hegarty

Hans Heilman

Connie and Barry Hershey

Nancy Heselton and Jeff Clements

Rebecca Hicks

Sarah Hindle

Cheryl Hirshman

Roland and Sarah Hoch

Mary Hocken

Dirk and Venny Hoekstra

Dustin Hoekstra

David Holdorf and Kathy Dwyer

Geoff and Katherine Hollywood

Holiday and Philip Houck

Mark Houghton

Margaret Howard

Emma Howe

Vivian Howell

Barbara Howland

Andrea and Brad Hubbard-Nelson

Hans Huber

Steven Huberman and Giovanna Dinicola

Anna Huckabee Tull

Jessica Huddy

Susan Hunt

Jean Husson

Bradley and Catharine Irwin

Mike and Dorothy Jacobs

Mark and Deborah Jennings

P.J. and Sue Jewell

Arnold Johnson

Doug and Jennifer Johnson

Eric and Kathleen Johnson

Rick and Louise Johnson

Stuart and Catherine Johnstone

George and Mary-Beth Jones

Yumi Jones

Matt Judge

Robert Kamen and Trudi Veldman

Michael Karam

Neal and Vicky Kass

Cynthia Katz and Dan Stapleton

David and Harriet Kaufman

Kristi Kienholz

Beverly and Peter Kelley

Kathleen Kelly

Steven Kelman and Shelley Metzenbaum

Andrew and Emilie Kendall

Jonathan Keyes

Scott Kirker and Rachel Krol

David Klein

Michael Klinger

Buzz and Joan Knight

Lauren and David Kopans

Diana Korzenik

Andrea Kozol

Robert and Rachel Kramer

Jodie Krisiak

Karl and Sarah Kussin

Ronald and Carolyn Kwon

Elaine Labreque

Caroline and John Langan

Lou and Rajani Larocca

Sandra LaSerte

Fred LaTorre

Linda and Mark Lauritano

David and Elizabeth Lawson

Maurice Leavitt

Katherine Lee

Rosemarie Lee

Bill and Alice Lehmann

Judith Lennox

David Levin

Alec Lewis

Andrew and Margaret Lewis

Ellen Lidington

Kurt and Treacy Liebich

Jane Lifton

Ross Lilley

Jennifer Lin

Steve and Sherry Litwack

Ken Lizotte

Christine Lojko

Trevor Lorden and Allison Wang

Jay and Carolynn Luby

Christine Lundblad

Betty Lutz

Talbot and Catherine Mack

Robert and Julie MacLean

Karen and Robert Maguire

Caroline and Christopher Mahoney

Patricia and Peter Mahoney

Philip and Linda Malone

John and Cheryl Mandler

Michelle Mankins

Judy and Ken Marriner

Lawrence Masland and Pamela Talbot

David and Angela Matthews

Meighan Matthews

Roger Mayer

Mike Mayo and Tina Feingold

John McCarthy and Eleanor Brox

Karen McCarthy and Eric-Jan Schmidt

James and Caroline McCloy

Robert and Kathleen McCoy

Michael McCreary

Peggy McFarland

Tom and Janice McFarland

Paul McGinn

Gregor and Sharon McGregor

Patrick McHale

Lauren McKown

Koreen McQuilton

Barbara Melnick

Zamir Merchant

Kathleen Messenbaugh

Donna Meyer

Mark and Sue Mildrum

Janet Miller

Laura Mills and Thomas Sablak

Robert and Sarah Mitchell, Jr.

Jennifer and Kerry Moffitt

Karen and Carmen Monks

Kristin and Eric Moore

Kate Moran

Dennis Morgan

Olga Morozova

Robert Morris and Kathy Hughes-Morris

Robert and Elizabeth Morrison

Henry and Emily Moss

John Muresianu and Patti Satterthwaite

Barbara Nash and Patrick Flynn

Martha Neault

Judy Neilson

Gretchen Nelson

Rachel Neuwirth

Roanne Neuwirth

Stephen and Jennifer Newbold

Jeff and Sarah Newton

Daniel Niven and Dana Lissy

Maria Nolen

Amy and L. Bouke Noordzij

Maarten and Tinie Noordzij

Karen O’Brien

Kathleen O’Hara

Judie and Peter Ochsner

Susan Oman and Michael Decker

Maria Ong

Christopher Osgood

Lee and Bruce Osterling

David Outerbridge

Chris and Deedo Painter

Whitfield and Linda Painter

Liz Paley

Hannah Parker

Julia Parker

John and Aindrea Pattisall

Matthew and Tobey Pearl

Meridith and Daniel Peirce

Amanda and Jeff Peppercorn

Bill Perkins and Karen Bechtel Perkins

Judith Perkins

Jenifer Perry

Ashley Perssico

John and Marie-Louise Petrie

Charles and Evin Phillips

Bill and Jo Poirier

Faye Poon

Christopher and Patricia Popov

Doug and Jo Powell

Cassandra Price

Ellen Raja

Scott Randall

Ed Ranson

Robert and Marcia Rasmussen

Frederick Weiss and Margaret Read Weiss

Barbara Reed

Stephanie and James Reid

Conan and Kathleen Reidy

Carmen Reiss and Eric Green

Dianne Reynolds

Kathy Rice

Kevin and Carol Richards

Joseph Rigali and Tracy Winn

A Gregory Rocco

Timothy and Sally Rodgers

Ted and Gloria Roe

Sig Roos and Ruth Rohde

Allen Rork

Brian and Lucy Rosborough

Norman and Marjorie Rosenbaum

Michael and Naomi Rosenfeld

Isabelle Rosso

Deborah Rosson

Kathryn and Terry Rothermel

Janet Rothrock and David Lebling

Ethan and Francine Royce

Wade Rubinstein and Jill Block

Kristy Rudel

William and Holly Russell

John Ryan

Louis and Holly Salemy

Patricia Sampson-Weiler and John Weiler

Anderson Santos

Barbara Santosuosso

Kristin Sardina

Bill and Toni Sawyer

Michael Schelzi

Paul and Jessica Schendel

Stephen and Marcia Schloss

Nicholas Schmid and Beverly Halliday

Tina and Paul Schmid

Michael and Sally Schnitzer

Brian Schoenherr

Daniella Schutzengel

Sunny Schwartz

Ali Scott

Beverly Scott

Ms. Jo Seibel

Scott and Shelley Seidman

Judy Severson

Douglas and Ann Sharpe

Daniel Sheff

Ken Shenkman

Glen Sherman

Carolyn and Dick Shohet

Alan and Susan Silberberg

Adam and Amy Simon

Karl Sims

Tom and Edie Sisson

Angela Smith

Jas Smith

Richard Somers

Barbara Sommers

Edward Sonn

Eugene Sonn and Jessica Walcott

Lisa Soo Hoo

Richard Speer and Anne Zeidler Speer

Wade and Tina Spurlin

Mary and Wade Staniar

Eric and Carolyn Stein

John Stevens and Virginia McIntyre

David and Jennifer Stine

Liz Stoll

Jessica Straus and David Berson

Yumi Suarez

Leli Sudler and Walter Littell

Vyshnavi Suntharalingam

Mark and Dominique Sutherland

Philip and Roseanne Swain

Anandh Swaminathan

D. Lisle and Amy Swanson

J. Frederic and Pamela Sway

Linda and John Sweeney

Stephen Swidrak

Jon and Suzy Symons

Peter Grey

James Tabner, Esq

Elizabeth Tappan-deFrees

Paul Tatelman

Kenneth and Wendy Taubes

Jim and Judy Terry

Val and Harvey Thayer

Robin and Bina Thompson

Jeanne Tiedemann

Stephanie Tilton

Gail and Jerry Tobin

Steve Tobin and Nancy Hartle

Michael Tunnicliffe

Kathi Turner

Jennifer and Marc Ubaldino

Bill and Anne Umphrey

Janet and Henry Vaillant

Polly and Jerry Vanasse

Philip and Mary-Wren vanderWilden

Lisa Vernegaard

Dolores Vetter

Harold and Emily Vetter

Ruth Vetter

Gary Vilchick

Amy and Pierre Villeneuve

Kristen Wainwright

Susan Walsh

Sarah and Eric Ward

Peter and Fan Watkinson

Will Watkinson

Robert Webber

Charlotte Weigel and Chris Braun

Sherry Weiland

James Weiss

Lee Welch and David Brown

Virginia Welles

Matt and Jennie Werner

Dianne Wheeler

Lisanne Wheeler and Fred Weaver

Leah and Ian Whitehead

Verena Wieloch

Louisa Wilking

Suzanne Williams

William and Sally Williams

Tyler Williscroft

Lissa and Carter Winstanley

Leslie Wittman

Robert Wolcik

Russell Wolf and Martha Gilpatrick

Susan Wolf-Schwart

John and Beverly Woodward

Gary and Marlys Wulfsberg

Jennifer Wynn

Christopher and Debra Wysopal

Jennifer Yanco

Stanley Yarbro

Aspen and Zach Yordy

Jeff Young

Thomas Young

Michael and Roxanne Zak

2020 Organizational Supporters:

AbbVie Pharmaceutical Research

Adobe Foundation


American Family Insurance

Cabot Family Charitable Trust

Citizen’s Charitable Foundation

Clif Bar Family Foundation

Community Foundation of North Central Massachusetts

Concord Academy

Concord Free Public Library

Concord-Carlisle Community Chest

Cummings Foundation

Faith and William Pautler Family Foundation

Foundation for MetroWest

Friends of the Concord Free Public Library


Greater Lowell Community Foundation

Green Leaf Foundation

Hannaford of Chelmsford, MA

Hannaford Bags 4 My Cause Program

Horne Family Charitable Foundation Inc.

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

John Snow Inc.

Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation, Inc.

Lydia B. Stokes Foundation

M and T Charitable Foundation

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Maynard Community Chest

Middlesex Savings Charitable Foundation

Moran Family Charitable Foundation

Nash Family Foundation

National Life Group Charitable Foundation, Inc.

National Philanthropic Trust

Nellie Leaman Taft Charitable


Norian/Siani Engineering, Inc.

NorthBridge Insurance Agency


Pledgeling Foundation

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)

Schwab Charitable Fund

Seeds & Weeds Garden Club of Concord

Sharpe Family Foundation

Stop & Shop Community Bag Program

Strem Chemicals, Inc.

TD Bank Group

Temple Beth Elohim

The Boston Foundation

The Charles Engelhard Foundation

The Crawford Idema Family Foundation

The Doe Family Foundation

The Garden Club of Concord

The Gilson Family Foundation

The Kane Wallace Foundation

The Miramar Charitable Foundation

The Saab Family Foundation

The Sudbury Foundation

Three Squares New England, Inc

Town of Concord

Trinitarian Congregational Church

Trinity Episcopal Church

United Way of Acton Boxborough Inc.

United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley

Waters Corporation Workplace Giving Program

Winning Home Inc.

Zachary and Lindsey Gund Foundation