A Few Words From the New Board President

We are all excited to welcome Sue Mildrum, senior director of engineering at Constant Contact, as Gaining Ground’s newest board president. Sue’s energy, commitment, and laughter will no doubt lead us to do great things. As a way to introduce Sue to the Gaining Ground community, Executive Director Amy Capofreddi asked Sue a few questions.
How did you first get involved in Gaining Ground?
In 2014, I had quit my job to start my own business and was looking for a meaningful volunteer opportunity. While I was out biking, I noticed the Gaining Ground sign. I had ridden by the same sign countless times but had never given it a second thought. When I returned home from the ride, I looked up Gaining Ground online and knew it was the place for me. I began volunteering on the farm, joined the board, and now am very happy to be board president.
What are you most excited about in your new role?
I am very excited to lead the implementation of our new strategic plan. Over the past year, as an organization, we worked diligently to complete the plan, “Expanding Our Reach and Impact.” It will guide us in our mission of providing healthy, organic food to members of our community who may not have access to fresh produce. This simple and powerful mission is what makes me proud and excited to be president of the board.
What are some challenges that you see for Gaining Ground?
As with most non-profits, I know we must always keep fundraising a high priority. Last year, we increased the amount of produce donated by 20,000 pounds. This tremendous increase comes at a price, and we are grateful to our donors who continue to support us each year. I also think as an organization we need to continue to work with our recipient organizations to understand their needs and make sure we are helping to meet those needs.
What do you do in your free time?
I am an avid reader; I love to take long bike rides, travel, and practice yoga and meditation. I am also a member of the Museum of Fine Arts and Institute of Contemporary Art.
How can people get involved with Gaining Ground?
Volunteering is the best way to get involved, as you experience what truly happens on the farm as we fight hunger in our community. We also hold a number of events, including a maple sugaring open house, harvest celebration and special this spring, a panel discussion on March 29, “Hunger Relief From the Ground Up.”