Gaining Ground Sets Record Harvest In 2024

Last year was one of tremendous growth and change for Gaining Ground. In keeping with an ambitious goal set by our board of directors, we began farming on a new parcel of land within the Minute Man National Historical Park. Thanks to this expansion, we harvested nearly 10,000 pounds of additional tomatoes, winter squash, broccoli and fresh herbs that were distributed through 16 hunger relief partners in 2024. Overall in 2024, more than 138,000 pounds (582,000 individual servings) of fresh, nutritious produce were given away for free to our neighbors experiencing food insecurity last year—a new record in Gaining Ground’s 30 year history!
During the height of the growing season Gaining Ground now consistently supplies more than 2,100 households per week across greater Boston and the metrowest. Through our dedicated hunger relief partner organizations, nourishing produce from the farm reaches an estimated 10,000 individuals each year.
Thanks to the expertise and care of our talented farm staff, quantities of the following crops doubled in 2024 compared with the previous season: tomatoes, winter squash, scallions, tatsoi, Chinese cabbage, fresh herbs, and cassava (yuca/manioc). For last year overall, the top three crops distributed by Gaining Ground were the familiar trifecta of tomatoes (17,071 pounds or 12 percent of total produce distributed last season), carrots (15,460 pounds, 11 percent), and lettuce (12,451 pounds, 9 percent).

We continue to listen attentively to feedback provided by our partner representatives in regard to their clients’ food preferences and requests. In 2024 we grew and donated over 150 varieties of vegetables, fruit, herbs, and cut flowers. New crops that we have trialed or integrated into our crop plan in the past several years include ginger, tulsi (holy basil), turmeric, dried beans, bunching broccoli, winter squash (delicata, acorn, spaghetti, and mini blue hubbard), hot peppers (aji dulce, guajilo, habanero), Asian greens (yu choy sum, komatsuna, Tokyo Bekana, misome), collards, watercress, flour corn, cantaloupe, cassava, and jilo (bitter eggplant). Through continued responsiveness to client and partner feedback, we uphold the dignity and respect of all those we serve.
On the volunteer front, Gaining Ground welcomes more visitors to the farm year after year. More than 3,800 people in 2024 connected with the land, the living soil, and our knowledgeable farmers. From school groups who fundraise to offset our seed budget and retirees who give generously of their free time, to corporate teams, high school students, and even the individuals and families who consume our food, we gratefully host visitors from all walks of life, of all ages and abilities. Through a new subsidized transportation program we have been able to increase equitable access to the farm as well.
As we joyfully look ahead to the 2025 growing season, we hope you’ll consider joining us at Gaining Ground to grow food and grow community!