Our 2015 Crew & Staff

We are delighted to have the seasoned team of Kayleigh Boyle and Doug Wolcik as our 2015 Farm coordinators. Kayleigh returns with six years of experience developing our farm programs, scheduling our volunteers, and planning our land improvements. Doug brings back two years with Gaining Ground; seven years farming in Massachusetts, California, and South America; and a degree in sustainable agriculture and community food systems from UMass Stockbridge Agriculture School.
Piper Mount and Ryan Devlin join the crew as part of our new apprentice program, where they will participate in every aspect of farm work from seeding to harvesting. Piper has worked for Cooking Matters, a nonprofit providing healthy cooking and nutrition to low-income families. Ryan started farming at The Food Project in Lincoln, majored in agriculture, and then worked at the Cheyenne River Youth Project, growing vegetables on the reservation while working with youths.
Charlie Radoslovich will be taking over the Old Manse garden manager position this season. Charlie is an experienced gardener, having founded his own business, Rad Urban Gardening, that installs micro gardens in clients’ yards.
Paula Jordan is back for her second year as the Head Start market manager. Paula’s experience farming and working with young people from diverse backgrounds make her the perfect person to bring our veggies to the Lowell Children’s Mill for 16 weeks this season.
Kristin Moore continues to be our ace office coordinator and fundraising manager, and Fan Watkinson steps into her second year as outreach, recipient, and volunteer program manager. Both enjoy their time learning from the farm’s bees in the apple orchard.
Above (L to R): Fan Watkinson, Paula Jordan, Doug Wolcik, Kayleigh Boyle, Ryan Devlin, Piper Mount, and Kristin Moore. Not pictured: Charlie Radoslovich.