Sue’s View as Board President

I sometimes wonder how I got so lucky to become involved with Gaining Ground. It was really serendipitous that I biked by one day seven years ago and decided to start volunteering. Once I started, I didn’t want to stop, easily convincing my husband, Mark, to join me every other weekend. Getting to know Gaining Ground from the perspective of the physical work that goes into making it successful is enlightening for someone who works in an office all day.

I loved all the tasks assigned to me: planting, fixing the old deer fence, harvesting, even weeding. My neat-nick tendencies were very satisfied upon seeing a bed of carrots go from messy to pristine. The only task I could do without was picking potato-beetle larvae off the plants by hand! It certainly gave me a new appreciation for what it takes to be organic.

The initial relationships I built at Gaining Ground were with the farmers and field crew. They have all been intelligent, passionate, thoughtful, hard-working and patient teachers. I have only recently come to better understand the extent of the science and planning that goes into each growing season.

Joining the board was another eye-opening experience. We have a small staff of organized and talented individuals who make sure the whole operation stays on track. Our board members are dedicated, caring, and so much fun to be with. In my new role as president, I have started to have the honor of meeting our donors and supporters. Without them, none of this would be possible.

Gaining Ground and the people I have had the good fortune to work and play with have enriched my life. I hope to give back as much as I have been given.