The Value of Offline Time

I work in an office all day. I go from meeting to meeting, rushing down long hallways beneath fluorescent lights. I taskswitch, trying to keep up with emails while everyone is joining the video conference and speakers are hurriedly muted as the feedback escalates. Every 30 or 60 minutes I turn my attention to a different topic with different people. At the end of the day I get home and sometimes wonder if I actually accomplished anything.
Does this sound at all familiar? If so, I have the perfect antidote. Bring your team to Gaining Ground for a few hours. You will not only feel good, you will do good.
Imagine bringing a picnic lunch for your team to share on the pavilion. Hear from our talented farmers about how they have transformed the farm. Learn about hunger relief in our community. Then get out in the field and do tangible and meaningful work. Maybe you’ll chat with your colleagues for a while and then quietly work alongside one another, lost in your thoughts and enjoying the fresh air. Maybe you’ll have a friendly competition to see who unearths the biggest sweet potato.
A couple hours later you can look back and see the results of your effort. That carrot bed is weeded and looks perfect! Those cherry tomatoes are picked and ready to give away! What a satisfying feeling.
Gaining Ground happily hosts corporate groups again starting in April 2020. Please check out the Volunteer section of our website to start signing up on February 1st.