What We’re Reading

A panelist at Gaining Ground’s Hunger Relief from the Ground Up event in March, Danielle Nierenberg recently edited Nourished Planet: Sustainability in the Global Food System by the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition Foundation. The issues that Gaining Ground confronts locally are addressed globally.
“Access to food is one of the first and most fundamental of all human rights, and it is essential to the well-being of any society. Unfortunately, adequate food is more accessible to some people than to others. The final ingredient in our recipe for a sustainable food system is correcting the imbalance of food access found in populations around the world.”
The book is a collection of insights and success stories of local initiatives taking place around the world and “provides viable strategies for building a food system that better sustains our bodies, environment, and communities,” according to Congresswoman Chellie Pingree.
Have you read a book about hunger relief or farming that left an impression on you? Send us a note at office@gainingground.org telling us which book and why. We may include a selection of responses in our next newsletter.