Wonderful Day for Maple Sugaring Open House

Over 150 adults and children ventured to Gaining Ground on Saturday afternoon, March 7th to learn how the farmers boil maple sap into syrup and to enjoy a warm fire and some maple taste treats. Visitors compared our syrup, cooked over a wood fire, to Vermont maple syrup, cooked over propane and to Log Cabin […]

Welcome to New Board Members

Gaining Ground welcomes three new members to the board of directors: Amy Capofreddi, Crista Collins, and Nick Ferbert. Amy Capofreddi Amy has served as Gaining Ground’s first executive director for two years and grant manager for three years. She successfully increased contributions to fund an expanded staff and further capital improvements and also led a […]

Change Is a Constant on the Farm

To work on a farm is to expect change of all kinds, some that we create on purpose, and some that are mysteries that unfold and surprise us throughout the year. We are subject to the weather, yet we design schedules and plans for planting and harvesting crops. We study and ameliorate the soil, then […]

Farm Manager Doug Wolcik Interviewed on No-Till Growers Podcast

If you are seeking an hour of distraction from current news, here is your chance for an informative podcast.  Farm Manager Doug Wolcik tells the story of Gaining Ground and its transition to no-till farming on this highly respected podcast, No-Till Growers. Enjoy Doug’s interview, posted on March 16, and those of so many other […]

Our New Executive Director

After a thoughtful months-long search, with participation from board members and staff, we are excited to announce Gaining Ground’s new executive director, Jennifer Johnson.  Jennifer was the director of development and outreach at The Nature Connection in Concord during the four years that I was at the Community Chest. I admired her enthusiastic and engaging […]

Our Response to COVID-19

Dear Friends of Gaining Ground: In light of rapidly-evolving news pertaining to the COVID-19 virus, we want to assure you that now, as always, we are committed to the health and safety of everyone in our community, particularly the most vulnerable among us. As we prepare to launch a new growing season, we are exercising precaution […]

Healthy Soils Bill

The below article is reprinted with permission from Lincoln Fishman of Sawyer Farm, shown above. Lincoln and Gaining Ground’s Doug Wolcik attended an event on February 12, which was organized by NOFA Massachusetts and assembled ten farmers from around the state to speak at the Massachusetts State House in support of the Healthy Soils Bill. […]

Maple Sugaring Open House

On Saturday, March 7 from 2–4 pm, enjoy maple treats and learn about the sugaring process. RSVP to maple@gainingground.org […]

Updated Cookbook for the Holidays

Just in time for holiday cooking, we have published a new edition of our cookbook, The Gaining Ground Table. It still includes our delicious, original recipes organized by season and the convenient, easy-to-open spiral binding. In celebration of 25 years of Gaining Ground, we have updated sections describing how we grow food for hunger relief […]

We’re Hiring! 2020 Field Crew Positions

Update: All 2020 positions have been filled. Thank you for your interest. Gaining Ground is a 3 acre non-profit, no-till, organic farm in Concord, MA that grows produce for 13 hunger relief organizations alongside community volunteers. In the 2019 growing season we grew over 125,00 pounds of produce with the help of 2,500 volunteers, supplying 750 […]

We Put It Down on Paper

In celebration of its 25th year, Gaining Ground has published a book chronicling the organization’s history and growth—from a visionary garden project in 1994 to a highly productive farm that now donates more than 120,000 pounds of food in a season. In Gaining Ground: The Story of a Community Growing Food and Giving It All Away, the farm’s history comes to life […]

Farm to Table, Farm to Community

For twenty five years, Gaining Ground has pursued its mission to grow and give away healthy produce for hunger relief with the help of volunteers and community. While the mission has been steadfast, the chapters along the way have evolved. During the past seven years, we have focused on increasing output on our 3.5 acres of cultivated land by […]

Building New Bridges

This year, thanks to a generous grant from Adobe Foundation, Gaining Ground has entered into a new partnership with Bridge Boston, a Roxbury charter school where 100 percent of the student population qualify for free lunch. We send weekly distributions of produce to the students, and the students help us as volunteers on the farm. […]

Leaders in the Field

It’s 8 AM and already 93 degrees outside, and your friends have invited you to go to the air-conditioned mall. But wait… it’s Farm Team day, and you are heading up the high school volunteers. Besides, who would want to be indoors on a scorcher like this when there are 2,000 pounds of butternut squash […]

Bird’s Eye View

I began working at the farm in late June, just after a killdeer nested in the leeks and fledged two chicks. Great-crested flycatchers occupied the woods surrounding the far field. One of my favorite things about farming is being more in tune with changes in the seasons and the weather and how they affect the […]

The Value of Offline Time

I work in an office all day. I go from meeting to meeting, rushing down long hallways beneath fluorescent lights. At the end of the day I get home and sometimes wonder if I actually accomplished anything. Does this sound at all familiar? If so, I have the perfect antidote. Bring your team to Gaining Ground for […]

Ready to Harvest Your IRA?

Did you know that if you are over age 70½, you can direct the required distribution from your IRA to Gaining Ground? And doing so not only helps Gaining Ground grow food for hunger relief, it helps you minimize your taxes. Using your IRA distribution this way may help save taxes in many ways, including: […]

Honey Bees Hard at Work

For the first time in years, Gaining Ground collected over 50 pounds of honey from our bee colonies this summer. Do you know how amazing that is?! The production of honey requires complex processes, and now bees face the additional challenges of highly toxic pesticides and extreme weather.

Guild Students Benefit While Working at Nearby Gaining Ground

Originally published The Guild School’s website, republished here with permission. The work is both enjoyable and meaningful. For Guild School student Korey Myers, that’s a “fruitful” combination. Korey is one of several students to work this summer at Gaining Ground, a nearby nonprofit organic farm that partners with The Guild’s vocational services program. With the help of more than […]

Increasing Production by Reducing Tillage: Soil Health Field Day

On July 14, NOFA/Mass held a Soil Health Field Day in collaboration with Gaining Ground in Concord Mass. It was the first of six on-farm workshops to be held over the next three years as part of a project entitled “Organic No-Till on Northeast Farms […]
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